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Watch: Wesley Mission takes over Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall

Watch: Wesley Mission takes over Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall

Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall on 6 November, where Making Waves, a live painting event by Wesley Mission Queensland Arts, transformed the mall into a hub of community creativity and mental health support.

With one in five Australians experiencing a mental health disorder in their lifetime, this paints the picture for the growing need for accessible, innovative support—Making Waves, highlighted the power of creativity in supporting mental health and well-being. The event saw a fantastic turnout, with countless people participating, taking a mental health break, and embracing their creativity by adding to the Making Waves community mural. As part of Australia’s growing Arts on Prescription movement, Making Waves aimed to draw attention to arts-based solutions for mental health, inspired by successful programs in the UK, Ireland, and Canada, where “social prescribing” connects people to non-clinical services that alleviate isolation and enhance well-being. “Arts and creativity are powerful tools that can be integrated into healthcare to relieve stress, anxiety, support recovery and other mental health challenges. The goal is to help pave the way for arts-based engagement to be embedded as long-term support in Australia’s healthcare system,” said Annie Peterson, WMQ Wesley Arts Manager.

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Robert is the founder of AustralianSenior.com.
He studied Journalism and Marketing at USC and TV Presentation at NIDA. He is passionate about advocating for seniors and presenting non-biased, fact-based news to enable those over 50 to thrive in an increasingly complicated digital world. He covers all areas of life and style, from pop culture to the economy and travel to events. If it's worth reading, it's worth writing about.
He loves to travel the globe and is a recently diagnosed, late-in-life Type One Diabetic.