Witness to War Hotline: Marks One Year of Supporting Australians Impacted by Conflict.
With the holidays upon us, it’s a difficult time for many across our community. It’s not all Christmas Prawns and bubbles to share with friends, chosen family, and loved ones. This time of year can be isolating and difficult for many. One New South Wales-based service that supports all Australians…
Legal Aid in NSW launches FREE diary for seniors.
Seniors in New South Wales looking for tips on planning for retirement, managing cost of living pressures, making a will or avoiding scams can learn all that and more from Legal Aid NSW’s free 2025 Legal Topics for Seniors diary. The diary includes essential information on navigating challenging legal situations…
Watch: Wesley Mission takes over Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall
Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall on 6 November, where Making Waves, a live painting event by Wesley Mission Queensland Arts, transformed the mall into a hub of community creativity and mental health support. With one in five Australians experiencing a mental health disorder in their lifetime, this paints the picture for…
Help easing loneliness could be just next door
Neighbour Day to be held this Sunday 27th March 2022. An increasing number of Australians are reportedly suffering from feelings of loneliness in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, with many of us still suffering from the impacts of social isolation. Sydney’s Chief Resilience Officer says the remedy to this…
Covid-19 resources
Below are some resources from around our community that reliably give information for over 50’s regarding the current Covid-19 pandemic. In our online age, it’s important to get your information from official sources and not social media. Please also visit your individual state’s health department websites for up-to-date information regarding…